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ADHD Assessment
ADHD Assessment
Many people wonder if they have ADHD because they have a hard time attending to their work, they lose things and struggle to pay attention. While quick quizzes and symptoms inventories can tell you if you meet the ADHD profile, a truly comprehensive evaluation that includes nuerocognitive and psychological measures is the best way to determine if your symptoms are the result of ADHD or one of many other syndromes that often mimic the same symptoms.
The testing I offer takes a full accounting of all of your strengths and weaknesses to target the areas where you struggle by leveraging your assets and creating a map to guide you to success.
The testing process takes about 6-8 hours in person and begins with a question such as “are my symptoms the result of ADHD?” or “why does it take so long for me to learn?” From that question, a series of tests are compiled which will examine the various cognitive and psychological components that answer the question. The testing will be divided into 3-4 sessions of about 2-3 hours each. The tests are varied in their approach, style and subject in order to look at the issues from all sides. Some are true or false inventories, some are multiple choice, some are more like puzzles and others are similar to school exams. The tests are then scored, analyzed and interpreted. A report discusses all of the findings, a detailed analysis of your strengths and weaknesses as well as a plan to guide you to success.