
2019 Annual International Conference on ADHD

Permission Slips, Lunches, Bedtimes and Beyond: Strategies for Surviving Parenthood with ADHD

ADHD is hard. Parenting is hard. The combination can be brutal but can also come with some distinct advantages. This presentation will examine the research on how ADHD impacts parenting, in both positive and negative ways. We will then explore five key concepts that lead to concrete solutions and strategies to improve and help navigate parenthood with ADHD.

Dr. Marcy Caldwell
Director, Clinical Psychologist
Rittenhouse Psychological Services

Marcy Caldwell, Psy.D. is a clinical psychologist in private practice in Philadelphia, PA. She is also the director and owner of Rittenhouse Psychological Services, a group practice she developed in order help fill a void in services for people with ADHD and to teach others the joys of working with this exciting population. Additionally, as a former lecturing professor at the University of Pennsylvania, Dr. Caldwell loves teaching and engaging audiences around issues related to ADHD and offers workshops and presentations to help adults, parents and professionals alike.

Saturday, November 9, 2019
10:00 AM – 11:15 AM
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown
1201 Market Street
Philadelphia, PA
Salon D
5th Floor

Fees and more information


Hi, I'm Marcy

I am a licensed clinical psychologist, an illustrator, and the founder of The Center for ADHD. My mission is to help people thrive with their ADHD. If you want to work together, let’s chat!
